American Pitbull Terrier in Ireland
The American Pitbull Terrier in Ireland is an active and athletic dog breed. And most importantly, very healthy. At our pitbull kennel Dognik Bulls in Ireland, we breed pitbulls according to the ADBA (American Dog Breeders Association) standard. It is the world’s largest organization dedicated to the registration and registration of purebred pit bulls around the world. The ADBA organization holds exhibitions for pit bull terriers, sports competitions for pit bulls, and registers purebred pitbull puppies.
I will tell you in detail about the work of our American Pitbull Terrier kennel in Ireland. But first I want to show you photos of pit bulls from our Dognik Bulls kennel. These are athletic dogs, with excellent muscles, active, loyal to their owners, with a stable psyche. Our pit bulls live with children of any age.
So, we started working on the American Pitbull Terrier breed in 2011. We have extensive experience in raising and raising trained, healthy, family pit bulls. We have attended hundreds of exhibitions and sporting competitions in person. Among the dogs of our kennel there are Champions of Latvia, Champions of Estonia, Champions of Italy, Champions of Germany, Champions of Great Britain, Champions of Belarus, Champions of Russia and so on! Our dogs win in various sports disciplines in different countries of the European Union and beyond. For example, the results in sports of one of the kennel dogs: wall climbing — 380 cm, high jump — 225 cm, long jump — 580 cm.
All American pitbull terriers in our kennel have been examined and are healthy. All of them underwent genetic tests to determine the absence of major diseases in the pit bull breed. Most of the pitbull terriers in the kennel are screened for the absence of hip dysplasia. Since testing for joint dysplasia in pit bulls began recently, all adult dogs no longer have these studies. However, the kennel’s young dogs are tested for healthy joints. A big plus is that if our pit bulls run and jump at 8-10 years old, it means their joints were and are ideal in their youth and now.
The bulk of our pitbull breeding is based on pure American dogs. These are well-known and time-tested bloodlines: OFRN (Old Family Red Nose), Red Alert. We also use a small number of well-proven dogs from such European lines: Jumbo, DDWW. We brought dogs from America and Europe. We also regularly do away matings with the top, most famous and productive males in the pit bull breed. Sometimes, in order to breed our girl to the right male, we have to travel 3000 km for mating. We love it, we really get top quality American Pitbull Terriers in Ireland. One of our puppies could become your forever family member.
Several times a year we have puppies for sale at our American Pitbull Terrier kennel in Ireland. You can buy a puppy from us by writing to us using the contact information provided:
Instagram: dognikbulls
The price of a puppy is on average 1500-2000 euros.
We will help with delivery throughout the European Union and CIS countries. Our American Pitbull Terriers live in 25 countries!
Sincerely, head of the American pitbull terrier kennel Veronika Voitovska. Doctor, judge of American pitbull terrier exhibitions in Europe, judge of sports competitions, certified expert dog handler.
American Pitbull Terrier in Ireland