American Pitbull Terrier Puppies: Sale, Purchase, Prices
The Dognik Bulls pitbull kennel is currently selling puppies! Date of birth: January 3, 2025. Parents are top producers of our American Pitbull Terrier kennel. Their puppies live all over the world and delight their families with an excellent character, perfect health, and a good attitude towards children.
At the moment, several pitbull terrier puppies are for sale in the following colors: chocolate with a red nose, red with a red nose, cream with a red nose. Photos of American Pitbull Terrier puppies (sale, purchase, price):

Video of puppies at 22 days after birth. First time in the yard. The temperature outside is +3 degrees Celsius. Of course, after a warm and cozy house, this temperature seemed cool to the puppies and therefore the first walk was quick — about 5-10 minutes. But, starting from the age of 3 weeks, it is very important to take the puppies out into the yard, outside. This is the basic stage of early socialization of the puppy, which in the future will help the puppy quickly adapt to different situations, react well and calmly to new conditions.
The father of the American pitbull terrier puppies: champion Millers Wild Storm Castle. Brought 9 years ago from Florida, America. The only one of the last living representatives of the American kennel «Real Deal Chocolates». These dogs won all American sports competitions and exhibitions. They had excellent health, no allergies, and a good character. Our male is the last living male in Europe of that old breed of American dogs. At the moment, the pit bull kennel «Real Deal Chocolates» is already closed and does not work. At the moment, we, together with Millers Wild Storm, have moved to the European Union and are enjoying a well-deserved rest from competitions and exhibitions. Titles: twice Young Champion of Ukraine, Young Winner of Ukraine, won four times in a row monobreed exhibitions of American pit bull terriers in Ukraine and Russia (where the number of purebred pit bulls was from 50 to 105!), Candidate for Young Champions of Russia, Candidate for Young Champions of the Federation, Candidate for Champions of Russia in working qualities, Young Champion of the Club (Russia), Candidate for Champions of Ukraine, Candidate for International Champions of Beauty, Champion of Ukraine, 7 times Best Male at exhibitions, 6 times Best Representative of the Breed, Champion of the Breed. On April 21, 2019, he won the all-breed exhibition and took the title of Best in Show-1st place!
Sports results:
Running competitions: three times first place, once third place.
Jumping competitions: twice first place, once second place, once fifth place.
Hanging competition: third place (50 dogs competing!)
Springpole competition: first place.
Unsupported jump: fourth place.
Our Millers Wild Storm has given birth to about 400 children living all over the world.
Examined and healthy: general and biochemical blood test. No genetic diseases: eye atrophy, ataxia, hyperuricosuria. Does not have and never had any type of allergy. Eats both dry food and natural food. This is a truly adult, healthy dog, famous in the world of American pit bull terriers.
Mother of American pitbull terrier puppies: Dognik Bulls Indiana. We brought her from Dagestan. From a working kennel. Has no allergies, no breed genetic diseases, has fresh tests with good results. She already had two litters of American Pit Bull Terrier puppies born from Millers Wild Storm Caste. All the puppies grew up to be strong-willed, active, wonderful dogs. They live well in families with children and cats (as well as guinea pigs, parrots, pythons, rabbits).
All our puppies go to new homes with the following set of examinations and documents: dewormed three times, vaccinated according to age, with a European veterinary passport, with an ADBA pedigree, with a microchip, with a mandatory clinical examination by a European veterinarian before leaving for a new home (with a note about the examination in the dog’s passport).
We offer American Pitbull Terrier puppies of old American breeding lines: OFRN and Red Alert. Stable dogs working in sports, living actively in their families. With a pedigree from the most reliable organization in the world that issues documents of origin — ADBA. To discuss purchasing an American Pitbull Terrier puppy, please contact us:
Email: (American Pitbull Terrier puppies: sale, purchase, prices)
Instagram: dognikbulls (American Pitbull Terrier puppies: sale, purchase, prices)
Price of American Pit Bull Terrier puppies from Dognik Bulls Indiana x Millers Wild Storm Castle: 2000-2500 euros. We ship throughout the European Union, the USA and Canada. Our American Pitbull Terrier puppies live in 26 countries around the world, including the two birthplaces of the breed — Ireland and America!
American Pitbull Terrier puppies: sale purchase prices