How to buy an american pitbull terrier puppy in a kennel?

Pitbullterrier Dognik Bulls Highway to Hell
How to buy an american pitbull terrier puppy in the Dognik Bulls kennel? You have decided that you want the American Pitbull Terrier breed. And you have chosen our pitbull kennel Dognik Bulls.
I will briefly tell you how to reserve and buy an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy in a kennel.
First, please tell us about yourself. What is your name, your age. Have you had dogs before? If so, what breeds. When did they disappear and for what reason. How many people live in your family. Are there children and how old are they? What are your expectations from the future dog (color, type, character, size). Be sure to indicate whether everyone in your family agrees to buy an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy.
You can write this information here (how to buy an American Pitbull Terrier puppy in a kennel):
Instagram: dognikbulls
Next. At this link you can always see what puppies are currently for sale in the «Dognik Bulls» kennel. And also future matings of our pitbull terriers. Click on each mating and you will see full information about each litter of puppies. The link to the puppies is here, click here «puppies of the Dognik Bulls kennel».
If you liked one of the puppies more than others, you can ask for more photos and videos. A more detailed story about the character of a pitbull puppy.
When we decide which pit bull terrier puppy you are buying, we conclude a «Puppy Reservation Agreement». If the puppy is old enough to go to a new home, then we immediately conclude a «Purchase and Sale Agreement for a Pitbull Terrier Puppy».
If the puppy is still waiting for the age when it can go to a new home, I will regularly send you photos and videos of your puppy.
Prices for puppies at the end of 2024 are 2000-3000 euros.

You can ask any additional questions using the contacts provided earlier.
Sincerely, Veronika Voitovska. Doctor. Zoopsychologist, cynologist-expert. Judge of dog shows.

Dog show judge Veronika Voitovska Dognik Bulls European dog Judge Veronika Voitovska European dog Judge Veronika Voitovska European dog Judge Veronika Voitovska

How to buy an American Pitbull Terrier puppy in a kennel