Pitbull puppies with ADBA pedigree buy
ADBA American Pitbull Terrier puppies for sale from exclusive breeding! On-site mating to Poland (the mother of the puppies and I went to Poland for mating to get the perfect exclusive blood of Lonzo pitbulls). Puppies were born on September 10, 2023. The price of one puppy is 2000 euros.
At the moment there are 2 beautiful, healthy males with perfect anatomy left for sale! Brindle color. Very sociable, friendly, active pit bull puppies with ADBA pedigree!
Male number 1 — Dognik Bulls Show Must Go On
Male number 2 — Dognik Bulls Freddie Mercury
The remaining puppies from these parents have already been booked for Italy and Estonia.
Parents of puppies are participants and winners of exhibitions and sporting competitions throughout Europe! They do not have breed genetic diseases (they have health certificates). Have healthy hearts (have certificates about this). The father of the puppies has no elbow or hip dysplasia for three generations! Grades AA and 00 are the best results showing that the pit bull has healthy joints.
We collected exclusively American blood in our puppies — OFRN (Old Family Red Nose) and Lonzo! There are currently NO analogues in quality, pedigree and health to our puppies throughout Europe. We are a kennel with many years of experience (we have been working with pit bull terriers since 2011) and have experience in the best blood of American pit bulls.
From us you can buy a pit bull puppy with ADBA pedigree. Our pit bulls live in 25 countries (all over Europe and America). For an additional fee, we send puppies to your country/city. Feel free to write to us, we have delivery to anywhere in the world.
All puppies leave the Dognik Bulls kennel vaccinated, with a European veterinary passport, with an electronic microchip, with an ADBA pedigree (this is the best pedigree for pit bulls around the world). To buy a pit bull with ADBA pedigree, write to us and be sure to briefly tell us about yourself and your experience with dogs:
Email: dognikb@gmail.com
Instagram: dognikbulls
Close relatives of our puppies (grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.). Look how purebred, muscular, perfect pit bulls are. Your pit bull puppy from the Dognik Bulls kennel will grow up to be the same.
Pitbull puppies with ADBA pedigree. Pitbull puppies with ADBA pedigree buy