Pitbull terrier puppy Florida

American pitbull terrier kennel «DOGNIK BULLS» presentation perfect female puppy for sale. ADBA registered kennel name: Dognik Bulls California. 3 months old. Chocolate rednose american pitbull terrier. Purebred, Old Family Red Nose bloodlines.

Parents: Miller’s Wild Storm aka Castle (born in Real Deal Chocolates kennel , Florida) x Hoff’s Banshee (born in Dusheik kennel, Brazil).

We had 8 puppies in this litter and 1 puppy is for sale. Another puppies already sold and living in Europe- Ireland, Estonia, Belarus, Lithuania, Finland.
We search perfect family in Florida to our Dognik Bulls California. Your family can be with kids any age and with another pets. Our Dognik Bulls California well trained, with good socialization and can be a great companion. Also she’s highly driven, with good bite, with good pressure. She can be great american pitbull terrier for sport competitions or to ADBA conformation shows. This puppy full vaccinated, dewormed 4 times, microchipped, with all necessary documents, contract of sale and ADBA pedigree. Ready to go to any part of the world. She’s in Europe now, but delivery to Florida or any state is possible.
American pitbull terrier puppy price 2000 dollars.
Our «DOGNIK BULLS» kennel guarantee that puppy has no genetic diseases (ataxia, crd2PRA, HUU), because her parents are tested and free from diseases. We are in touch with our pitbull terriers owner during the whole dog life. With all our knowledge and advices.

If you want to buy pitbull terrier puppy Florida, please, contact our kennel:

Instagram: dognikbulls
Email: dognikb@gmail.com

Feel free to ask me any questions. American pitbull terrier kennel owner- Veronika Voitovska. Doctor. Certified dog judge. Certified animal psychologist.


Pitbull terrier puppy Florida, american pitbull terrier kennel, pitbull kennel Florida