22 октября рожден помет американских питбультерьеров от импортной вязки. Отец привезен из США, питомник Real Deal Chocolates. Мать привезена из России, питомник Asadulla. Щенки рождены в Латвии, в новые дома смогут уезжать с 7 недель. Прививка, микрочип, документы ADBA, европаспорт. Щенки резервируются с внесением депозита в 500 евро (включен в общую стоимость щенка). Есть доставка по всему миру. Примерные цены на некоторые доставки: по Латвии- 150 евро, Эстония Таллин 200 евро, Финляндия Хельсинки- 450 евро, Литва- 200 евро, Польша 250-350 евро, Румыния 400 евро, Венгрия 250 евро, Словакия 250 евро.
Отличная комбинация кровей: Old Family Red Nose (США) по отцу и Red Alert по матери (США). У отца помета уже были вязки с суками кровей Red Alert и мы получали очень типичных собак, красивых, сбалансированных по анатомии, очень драйвовых в спорте и с отличной психикой в обычной домашней жизни.
Вязка сделана с учетом закрепления чистой американской линии, идеальных спортивных питбультерьеров, с отличной мускулатурой и мозгами. В Европе и США эти крови очень ценятся и закрепить такой тип собак в нашем питомнике и продолжать его в разведении дальше- это очень важно.Аналогов этой вязки в Европе нет, так как чистые крови Old Family Red Nose очень редкие, тем более в такой комбинации старейшего разведения. Это именно те питбули, которых мы видим имного десятков лет, а не новомодные огромные монстры без мозгов. Щенки получились в ярком типе американских линий разведения питбулей.
Телефон для связи +37127118654
Емэйл dognikb@gmail.com
Отец помета— Miller’s Wild Storm aka Castle. Импорт США. Спортивный, отлично обмускуленный кобель (даже без регулярного тренинга, он очень мускулистый) в ярком шоколадном окрасе. По характеру активный, заводной, с очень сильной игровой и пищевой мотивацией, отличная семейная собака. Полнозубый, прикус ножницеобразный (правильный для питбуля). От Касла рождено около 300 питбулей, живущих по всему миру (Европа и Америка). Как производитель, он дает настоящих спортивных питбультерьеров, без дефектов. Титулы Касла:
— 2x Юный Чемпион Украины
— Юный Победитель Украины
— 4x Лучший Юниор на Монопородных Питбульшоу в Украине и России
— Кандидат в Юные Чемпионы России
— Кандидат в Юные Чемпионы Федерации
— Кандидат в Чемпионы России по рабочим качествам
— Юный Чемпион Клуба («Брэйв Файтер», Москва, Россия)
— Кандидат в Чемпионы Украины
— Кандидат в Международные Чемпионы Красоты
— Чемпион Украины
— 7x Лучший Кобель
— 6x Лучший Представитель Породы
— Чемпион Породы
*спортивный чемпион в дог-пуллер «бег»
*спортивный чемпион в дог-пуллер «прыжки»
*спортивный чемпион в дисциплине wall climbing
*спортивный чемпион в дисциплине hanging around
*победитель соревнований по спринполу (вис на ухвате)
4 раза подряд выигрывал монопородные выставки в двух странах. В следующий раз выиграл всепородную выставку в Украине, Best in Show-1е место. Отец топ-питбуля Италии по рейтингу 2020 года (Dognik Bulls Lannan Shi)! Отец победителей всепородных выставок в разных странах, Best in Show- 1е место.
В 2017 году на Монопородной выставке в Москве, Россия, Касл выиграл 1е место. Эксперт Младен Кркелич (владелец известнейшего рабочего питомника Черногории Komani kennels) сказал о Касле: «Я не видел сегодня питбуля лучше Касла. Именно таким и должен быть настоящий американский питбультерьер». На этой выставке было больше 100 питбулей и Касл выиграл!
Обследован, здоров. Имеет результаты чистых генетических породных тестов.
Мать помета— Dognik Bulls Indiana. Импорт Россия. Небольшая красноносая сука. Очень подвижная, атлетичная, активная. По характеру: дружит со всей семьей. Отлично заботится о щенках, хорошая мама. Полнозубая, прикус ножницеобразный (правильный для питбуля). Обследована, здорова.
Продаётся 1 щенок
Кобель Dognik Bulls Komanchi. Окрас: рыжий красноносый. Цена 1500 евро
1. Кобель Dognik Bulls Eldorado- продан в Финляндию/ sold to Finland
2. Сука Dognik Bulls Dolphine- продана в Украину/ sold to Ukraine
3. Сука Dognik Bulls Adalinda- продана в Финляндию/ sold to Finland
4. Сука Dognik Bulls Sassenach- забронирована в Латвию/ reserved to Latvia
5. Кобель Dognik Bulls Muturganchik- продан в Финляндию/ sold to Finland
6. Кобель Dognik Bulls Viking- продан в Финляндию/ sold to Finland
7. Сука Dognik Bulls Charlotte- продана в Финляндию/ sold to Finland
Видео щенков:
Раскладка онлайн родословной
Известные родственники щенков, которыми мы гордимся:
Бабушка помета- Miller’s Brown Sugar. Рождена и живет в США. Титулы: чемпионка в выставках система ADBA (Америка), чемпионка в выставках система UKC (Америка), спортивные и дрессировочные результаты: IDTT DHT ID3 ID5 IDWP3 IDWPCH. Чемпионка и грандчемпионка в вейтпуллинге. Победительница спортивных соревнований для питбулей в разных дисциплинах.
Дедушка помета- Miller’s Eye of the Tiga. Рожден и живет в США. Титулы: высоко оценен экспертами на выставках формата ADBA (Америка), титулован в спортивных соревнованиях по вейтпуллингу. Спортивные и дрессировочные результаты: IDTT DHT ID3 ID5
Двоюродный дедушка помета- Fonvielle’s A&N Stuff of Legends aka Boogieman. Живет в США. Это самый титулованный в спорте, дрессировке и выставках питбультерьер всей планеты! Чемпион в системе ADBA, чемпион в системе UKC, сертифиированный собака-терапевт, неоднократный победитель соревнований по аджилити, вейтпуллингу, послушанию, различным видам дрессировки, док-дайвингу и пр. Super Dog в системе UKC!
1/21/11 Boogieman takes 1st Place and Best Of Breed Novice Puppy
2/26/11 Boogieman takes 1st Place and Best Of Breed Novice Puppy
3/5/11 Boogieman takes 1st In Class Show 1
Boogieman takes 1st In Class and Best Male Show 2
3/6/11 Boogieman takes 1st In Class Show 1
Boogieman takes 1st In Class Show 2
4/22/11 Boogieman takes 1st In Class, Best Male, and Best of Winners Show 2
4/23/11 Boogieman takes 1st In Class and Best Male and Earns his Conformation Champion CH Title Show 1
5/6/11 Boogieman Wins The Champion Class Show 2
2011 Discovery Green Dock Dogs
7/1/11 Big Air Wave #3 Boogieman earns a leg towards his NJN Title
Big Air Wave #4 Boogieman takes 3rd Place and earns a leg towards his NJN Title
Big Air Wave #5 Boogieman takes 1st Place earns a leg towards his NJN Title
7/2/11 Speed Retrieve #1 Boogieman earns a leg towards his Speed Retrieve National Express Title
Big Air Wave #6 Boogieman earns a leg towards his NJN Title
Big Air Wave #6 Boogieman earns his National Novice Jumper NJN Title
7/3/11 Speed Retrieve #2 Boogieman earns a leg towards his Speed Retrieve National Express Title
7/8/11 Boogieman Wins The Champion Class Show 2
Boogieman Earns his CGC
7/9/11 Boogieman Wins The Champion Class Show 2
8/13/11 Boogieman Wins The Champion Class Show 2
9/4/11 Boogieman Earns a leg on his UWP Title
9/5/11 Boogieman Earns a leg on his UWP Title
9/17/11 Boogieman Earns a Leg on his URO1 Title
9/18/11 Boogieman Earns a Leg on his URO1 Title
9/18/11 Boogieman Earns his URO1 Title
9/24/11 Boogieman Takes 3rd Place and Earns a leg on his UAG1 Title
9/30/11 Boogieman Earns his UWP Weight Pull Title
10/1/11 Boogieman Earns 10 points towards his UWPCH Title
10/2/11 Boogieman Earned his SDC-I Title
11/5/11 Boogieman Earns his DHT Title
11/5/11 Boogieman takes 1st Place in Weight Pull Class and earns his IDWP3 Title
11/5/11 Boogieman earns his IDOB1 Title
11/5/11 Boogieman takes 1st Place in the Esquive Competition
11/6/11 Boogieman takes 2nd Place in Iron Dog Pentathlon and Earns his ID5 Title
11/6/11 Boogieman earns his ID3 Title
11/12/11 Boogieman takes 2nd Place in 1-2 Classic Male Show 1
11/19/11 BoogiemanTakes 3rd Place and earns a leg towards his UAG1 Title Trial 1
11/19/11 Boogieman Takes 1st Place and earns his UAG1 Title in Trial 2
12/3/11 Boogieman Takes 1st Place in 50 lb Weight Class Pull #1
Tulsa Agility Club UKC Obedience Trial
1/13/12 Boogieman earns a leg towards his UCD Title
1/21/12 Boogieman takes 1st In Weight Class
Louisiana Sportsmen’s Show Splash Dogs
3/10/12 Splash #4 Boogieman takes 3rd Place
Splash #5 Boogieman takes 1st Place
Splash #6 Boogieman takes 2nd Place
Splash #7 Boogieman takes 2nd Place
3/11/12 Splash #8 Boogieman takes 2nd Place in earns his UNJ Title
Cajun Country/ Trinity Valley ADBA Weight Pull
3/18/12 Boogieman takes 2nd in Weight Class
3/24/12 Boogieman earns his Therapy Dog International TDI Title
Geogia APBTC ADBA Weight Pull
4/7/12 Boogieman takes 2nd in Weight Class
4/8/12 Boogieman takes 2nd in Weight Class
UCA Weight Pull
4/14/12 Boogieman takes 1st in Weight Class
Dog & Custom Car Expo Iron Dog/ ABKC Weight Pull
4/28/12 Boogieman Takes 1st in Weight Class and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound Iron Dog
4/28/12 Boogieman Takes 1st in Weight Class and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 75 Under ABKC
Iron Dog Weight Pull
5/19/12 Boogieman Takes 1st Place in Class
UCA Weight Pull
6/9/12 Boogieman takes 1st in Weight Class and Most Weight Pulled and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound
UKC Premier
6/14/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Cart
6/15/12 Boogieman Earns a leg on his Coursing Aptitude Title
6/16/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Cart
Boogieman Earns a leg on his Coursing Aptitude Title
6/17/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Cart
Boogieman Earns his CA Coursing Aptitude Title
6/22/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
6/23/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail and Earns His UWPCH Title
6/24/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
Boogieman Win the Champion Class and Earns his GRCH Title in Conformation
Boogieman Earns a UKC Total Dog Award
7/7/12 Boogieman Takes 2nd in Weight Class
7/14/12 Boogieman takes 1st Place in Weight Class in AM Pull
Boogieman takes 1st Place in Weight Class in PM Pull
7/15/12 Boogieman takes 1st Place in Weight Class and Earns his APA R1 Title
9/21/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
Boogieman Takes 2nd Place and Earns a leg towards his UCD Title Trial 1
Boogieman Takes 2nd Place and Earns his UCD Title Trial 2
Boogieman becomes a UKC Super Dog
9/22/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
9/23/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
9/29/12 Boogieman earns a leg towards his UAG2 title
9/30/12 Boogieman earns a leg towards his UAG2 title
10/20/12 Boogieman earns 2nd place and his UAG2 title in show 2
10/21/12 Boogieman earns 3rd place and a leg towards his UAGCH in show 1
10/22/12 Boogieman earns 2nd place and a leg towards his UAGCH in show 2
11/3/12 Boogieman takes 1st Place in Class in Weight Pull
Boogieman takes 1st Place in Class in the 1st National Canine Body Building Contest
11/17/12 Boogieman takes 1st In Class and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 70 and Under Pull 1
Boogieman takes 1st In Class and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 71 and Under Pull 2 and Earns his GPA WP1 Title
A! Woof Canine Performance Events Agility Trials
12/7/12 Boogieman wins third place in Colors Class
12/7/12 Boogieman earns a leg in Full House Class
12/8/12 Boogieman wins first place in Standard
12/9/12 Boogieman wins first place in Jumpers and earns his CL1-F title
Iron Dog Weight Pull
12/15/12 Boogieman Takes 1st Place in Weight Class
Boogieman Takes 1st Place in Weight Class
12/16/12 Boogieman Takes 1st Place in Weight Class and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound
12/27/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
12/28/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
12/29/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail
12/30/12 Boogieman Earns 20 points in Weight Pull on Rail and Earns his UWPCHX Title
A! Woof Canine Performance Events Agility Trial
1/5/13 Boogieman wins second place in Wildcard level 2 class
1/5/13 Boogieman wins first place in Colors level 2 class
1/5/13 Boogieman wins second place in Jackpot class
1/6/13 Boogieman earns a leg in the Standard class and earns his CL1-R title
A! Woof Canine Performance Events Agility Trial
2/8/13 Boogieman wins 1st Place in Wild Card level 2 class
2/8/13 Boogieman wins 1st Place in Jumper level 2 class
2/8/13 Boogieman wins first place in Wildcard class and earns his CL1-H title
Southern Bulldog Bash APA Pull
3/2/13 Boogieman takes 1st Place 50 pound class
A! Woof Canine Performance Events Agility Trial
3/16/13 Boogieman wins second place in Snooker class and earns his CL1-S title
Sunshine ADBA Club Weight Pull Show
3/30/13 Boogieman takes 1st place 45-55 pound males
3/31/13 Boogieman takes 1st place 45-55 pound males
Green County APBT Club
4/19/13 Boogieman takes 1st place 45-55 pound males and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 55 and under
4/20/13 Boogieman takes 1st place 45-55 pound males
Georgia APBT Association
5/4/13 Boogieman takes 1st place 45-55 pound males
5/5/13 Boogieman takes 1st place 45-55 pound males and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 55 and under
Great Lakes APBT Club
6/01/13 45-55 pound males Boogieman takes 3rd place
6/02/13 45-55 pound males 1st place. Boogieman becomes an ADBA ACE
BBCR/Iron Dog Weight Pull
6/08/13 Boogieman wins 1st place in his class and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound overall
Dallas Air Dog Event
7/20/13 Boogieman earned his Ultimate Air Dogs Novice Jumper title
7/21/13 Boogieman take 4th place in Novice division finals
2nd Annual APA H-Town Throwdown Weight Pull
8/10/13 Show 1 — Boogieman earns first place in the 60# class and MWPP 50, 60, 70
Show 2 — Boogieman earns first place in the 60# class and MWPP 50, 60, 70
Boogieman earns his APA Star 1
8/11/13 Show 3 — Boogieman earns first place in the 60# class and MWP 70 and under and
MWPP Middleweight division.
Treat Em Right Rescue NWDA Pull
8/16/13 Show 1 — Boogieman earns 1st place in 41-60# class and MWPP
Moving Weight APA weight pull show
8/17/13 Show 1 — Boogieman places 2nd in 60# class
Show 2 — Boogieman places 2nd in 60# class
Treat Em Right Rescue NWDA Pull
8/18/13 Show 2 — Boogieman earns 1st place in 41-60# class and MWPP
Show 3 — Boogieman earns 1st place in 41-60# class and MWPP
Boogieman earns his NWDA WPCH title
Middle Georgia Kennel Club
8/31/13 Show 1 — Boogieman earns a 20pt pull on wheels
9/01/13 Show 2 — Boogieman earns a 20pt pull on wheels
Irondog Pull for Jayln Rails Benefit Pull
9/07/13 Boogieman takes 1st place in 41-50# class and MWPP
NAPBTA National Specialty Show
10/04/13 Boogieman earns a 20pt pull on rails
10/05/13 Boogieman earns a 20pt pull on rails
10/06/13 Boogieman earns a 20pt pull on rails
Amstaff Nationals
10/11/13 Boogieman earns his TT from the American Temperament Test Society
Heart of Dixie Weight Pull and Conformation Show
11/1/13 Boogieman wins ACE class MWPP 55 and under trophy and 2nd place in 44-64 class
11/2/13 Boogieman wins 1st place in 44-64 ACE class
11/3/13 Boogieman wins 1st place in 44-64 ACE class and 55 and under MWPP trophy
Lone Star State APBT Club ADBA Weight Pull
11/16/2013 Boogieman earns 2nd place in ACE class 44 and under
Mid Florida APBT Association
11/29/2013 Boogieman earns 1st place in ACE class 44 and under and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 55 and over
11/30/2013 Boogieman earns 1st place in ACE class 44 and under and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 55 and over
Boogieman earns his ADBA ACE of ACE title
12/01/2013 Boogieman earns 1st place in ACE class 44 and under and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound 55 and over
Heart of Dixie ADBA Show
2/22/2014 Boogieman takes 2nd place ACE class 44-64#
2/23/2014 Boogieman takes 3rd place ACE class 44-64#
Hampton Roads Kennel Club- UKC
2/28/2014 Boogieman earns 20pt pull on wheels
3/01/2014 Boogieman earns 20pt pull on wheels
3/02/2014 Boogieman earns 20pt pull on wheels
Splash Dogs at Bass Pro Shops
3/22/14 Splash 1 — Boogieman takes 1st place in Novice Class
Splash 2 — Boogieman takes 1st place in Novice Class
Dallas Air Dogs
3/29/14 S1 — WP — Boogieman earns 20pt pulls on rails
S1 — Lure Course — Boogieman earns a leg towards his Coursing Aptitude Excellent title
S2 — Lure Course — Boogieman earns a leg towards his Coursing Aptitude Excellent title
Carolina Classics, Hickory, NC
4/04/2014 Boogieman earns a Rally 2 leg
Boogieman earns 20pt pull on rails
4/05/2014 Boogieman earns a Rally 2 leg
Boogieman earns 20pt pull on rails
4/06/2014 Boogieman earns a Rally 2 leg and his Rally 2 Title
Boogieman earns 20pt pull on rails
Palmetto State ADBA Club
4/11/2014 Boogieman takes 3rd place in ACE class 44 and over
4/12/2014 Boogieman takes 3rd place in ACE class 44 and over
Irondog Thawout Bourbannais, Illinois
4/19/14 S1 — Boogieman takes MWPP and earns Irondog Temperament Test Certification
S2 — Boogieman takes MWPP and takes 2nd place in Esquive competition
UKC Centreville Weight Pull, Lure Course & Rally
5/09/14 Boogieman earns a leg towards his CAX Lure Coursing title
Boogieman earns 3rd place and a leg towards his Rally 3 title
Boogieman earns a 15pt pull on wheels
5/10/14 S1 — Boogieman earns 2nd place and a leg towards his Rally 3 title
Boogieman earns a leg towards his CAX Lure Coursing title
Boogieman earns a 20pt pull on wheels
S2 — Boogieman earns a leg towards his CAX Lure Coursing title
Boogieman earns his third leg in Rally 3 and earns his URO3 title
Minnesota Mixed Breed Club, UKC Show
5/17/14 Boogieman earns 20pt pull on wheels
5/18/14 Boogieman earns 20pt pull on wheels
UKC Premier Show
6/12/14 Boogieman makes 20pt pull on wheels
Boogieman earns two legs towards his CAX title
Boogieman earns his UNJ Champion title
Boogieman earns his UAD Novice Jumper Champion title
6/13/14 Boogieman makes 20pt pull on wheels and earns his UKC Grand Weight Pull Champion title
Boogieman earns two legs towards his CAX title
Boogieman earns legs towards his UNJ Grand Champion title
6/14/14 Boogieman makes 20pt pull on wheels.
Boogieman earns legs towards his UNJ Grand Champion title
Boogieman earns two legs towards his CAX title
6/15/14 Boogieman makes a 20pt pull on wheels
Boogieman earns his UAD Novice Jumper Grand Champion title as well as his UNJ Grand Champion title.
K9 Fanciers Nosework Trial
6/21/14 Boogieman earns his PT1, PT2 and NNC titles
Minnesota Mixed Breed Club
6/28/14 Boogieman makes a 20pt pull on wheels
6/29/14 Boogieman makes a 20pt pull on wheels
UPF Houston Pull
7/12/14 Boogieman wins Most Weight Pulled Per Pound overall
7/13/14 Boogieman wins Most Weight Pulled in the middle weight division and Most Weight Pulled Per Pound overall
APA Pull Abingdon Illinois
8/30/14 S1 — Boogieman wins first place in his class and MWPP 50, 60, 70
S2 — Boogieman wins first place in his class and MWPP 50, 60, 70
8/31/14 S3 — Boogieman wins first place in his class and earns his APA Star 2 title
Illinois UKC Pull on Rails
8/30/14 S1 — Boogieman earns 20pts towards his Grand 1 title
8/31/14 S2 — Boogieman earns 20pts towards his Grand 1 title
2014 ADBA Nationals in Woodstown, NJ
9/20/14 Boogieman earns the second place trophy in 45-55# males class
2014 NAPBTA Nationals in Charlotte, NC
10/10/14 Boogieman earns his Coursing Excellent title (CAX)
Boogieman makes a 20pt pull on rails and earns points towards his 1 Grand title
10/11/14 Boogieman makes a 20pt pull on rails and earns points towards his 1 Grand title
2014 APA National Championship in Harrison, Arkansas
9/20/14 Boogieman earns the third place trophy 50# class
Lonestar ADBA Pull
11/14/14 Boogieman takes first in ACE class 44-64
11/15/14 Boogieman takes first in ACE class 44-64
Предок по матери- легендарный GR Ch Avdeeva Red Alert ROM 5W. Он же Боня. Был рожден 23 августа 1993 года в Нью-Йорке, США. Импортирован в Россию в 1,5 месяца. Первый американский питбультерьер, получивший титул Грандчемпион (в матчах) при этом имеющий титул ROM (обозначает, что собака заработала определенное количество очков по правилам DPCA плюс имеет детей, тоже заработавших эти очки и высоко показавших себя, очень редко выдается кому-то из питбулей). Отец рекордного для СНГ количества питбультерьеров с титулом Champion и Grandchampion в матчевой карьере. Его потомки очень известные собаки, как и он сам: AVDEEVA’S (YUDGIN) J & J 1xLG, GAVRILOVA’S (I LIFE STAR RED BOY) AGALEK (Ex GR) CH 6xW 1xL, HUAN’S (RRK) DEBRA 2xW, PEPSI TEAM’S HOLLY GR CH 6xW D.O.Y POR, PVM’S RED LIGHT GR CH 5xW POR, RED RIPTID’S JAYF RED BOY CH 3xW 1xLG, RED RIPTIDE KENNEL’S CANDY CH 3xW, SIPHA’S DAVID GR CH 5xW